Discovering the 4-Day Work Week: Unlocking the Advantages of a Flexible Working Arrangement

Discovering the 4-Day Work Week: Unlocking the Advantages of a Flexible Working Arrangement

In recent years, discussions surrounding employee satisfaction and productivity have prompted employers and companies to try new working models, such as the 4-day work week, one of the latest trends. The Covid-19 pandemic, in particular, has intensified the debates about work-life balance and flexibility, spurring an increasing number of employees and labor unions to request a change in work culture. Several companies and countries have recently trialed the 4-day work week, which has been proven to be beneficial for both employers and employees. Let’s discover more in detail what the 4-day work week is and what role it could play in the work-life landscape.

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5 Best Task Management Tools for Freelancers

5 Best Task Management Tools for Freelancers
Do you struggle to keep up with your goals and cross items off your to-do list? We feel you. Working as a freelancer is not always a breeze when it comes to prioritizing and focusing on what’s important. That’s why we’ve put together this guide where you’ll learn about 5 task management tools to help you get your tasks done and boost your productivity.

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5 Books You Should Read if You’re a Freelancer

5 Books You Should Read if You’re a Freelancer

Freelancers have to face many challenges: how to focus and avoid distractions, how much to ask for their work, defining their strategy… These can sometimes be overwhelming and prevent you from paying attention to the important stuff.

But you’re lucky because there are many books that will teach you how to overcome such obstacles! In this article, you’ll find a list of 5 books that will help you grow your freelance career, along with some other interesting reads that you can flip through for fun. And guess what? They’re all available for borrowing in the Locus library!

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How Sociability Impacts Productivity

How Sociability Impacts Productivity

If you have been keeping up with our blog, you might’ve come across our post about “Advantages & disadvantages of freelancing”. Some of the benefits include flexibility, independence, the potential for growth, and being your own boss. However, it’s not all coffee and working in pajamas. There certainly are cons, one of the largest being isolation. Lacking the coworker interaction that comes with the traditional office environment can be quite the drawback. In this blog post, we decided to dive a bit deeper into how sociability impacts productivity, specifically for freelancers.

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5 Tips to Maintain Productivity as a Freelancer Working Mostly Alone

5 Tips to Maintain Productivity as a Freelancer Working Mostly Alone

At the present moment, it’s much more common just to stay at home and get your work done, especially if you are a freelancer and you have to rely only on yourself. However, it comes with a few complications, such as no actual will to be as productive as you would like to be. While working from home, you get distracted by too many things and you can lose interest in your work because it’s normal to rest while you are at home. Or, at least, it’s supposed to be. Read more