Getting started as a freelancer in the Czech Republic: how to apply for a trade license

Getting started as a freelancer in the Czech Republic: how to apply for a trade license

The Czech Republic is one of the best countries in Europe to be registered as a freelancer in terms of tax benefits. In a recent post, we highlighted the main advantages and disadvantages of being a freelancer. If, after weighing up the pros and cons, you’ve decided that working as a freelancer could be just your cup of tea, and you want to do so in the Czech Republic, here’s a step-by-step guide to getting your trade license or Živnostenský list.

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How To Introduce Yourself as a Freelancer and Expat

How To Introduce Yourself as a Freelancer and Expat

Becoming expat can be a big challenge. Even if you have a guarantee of employment waiting for you, it is no less stressful. However, being an expat and a freelancer adds another layer of uncertainty. Imagine there is no company, support network of future colleagues or stable income waiting for you. But, despite all of that, you are 100% certain that freelancing is what you want to do. On top of that, you want to relocate and do it in another country, a very brave move indeed. It would be a wise idea to quickly integrate yourself  to keep the momentum of your business. But how exactly do you introduce yourself as a freelancer in your new surroundings?

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Digital Nomad Visa in the Czech Republic

Digital Nomad Visa in the Czech Republic

Advances in technology, especially in the aftermath of COVID-19, have lead to an increasing number of people adhering to the digital nomad lifestyle. There are many benefits to becoming a digital nomad: flexible working hours, freedom of choice when it comes to selecting the projects you’d like to work on and, most importantly, the ability to work from virtually any place in the world. In a recent post, we interviewed one of our members who told us about his life as a digital nomad and highlighted some of these advantages.  Read more

Advantages & disadvantages of freelancing

Advantages & disadvantages of freelancing

Considering that pandemic restrictions have changed workers’ mobility, remote work is becoming more attractive and in some cases, necessary. Furthermore, this imposes freelance work as a great opportunity of how to start and boost your career. Have you been considering going rogue? Here are some advantages and disadvantages of freelancing to aid your decision-making.

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